Treasure Cove

Pet Shop

We thank you for your patience through this transition. Our remodel is complete. What we have noticed over the past several months since our aquatic remodel many benefits. 

  • All live stock is placed in quarantine for a minimum of 1 week
  •  We are able to provide healthier specimens
  • Our VIP's have a direct line to an aquatic specialist
  • Special orders are easily managed now 

Moving forward please be advised that the best way to benefit from our new system is to sign up to our VIP. You can do this by clicking HERE just ask to be added to the VIP list. This will give you first access to our live stock that is arriving weekly and allow for special orders to be requested. Again we thank you for your business.

We are scheduled to be open on Saturday July 27th from 10am - 2pm ONLY check our Facebook for more info.